
My boyfriend Luke is a keen fan of Science Fiction books and films. Such is his interest in all things Sci-Fi that his parents used this theme for his 18th birthday party.
There was a picture of a 50's B-movie robot on the cover of the invitation. Inside was all the information about where, when and what time the party was happening. At the bottom was written, "Dress as anything out of this world as long as it's Sci-Fi."
I decided I wanted to dress as Priss from "Blade Runner". l made the costume myself out of a tan body suit. I painted dark make-up, raccoon-style, around my eyes and completed my outfit with an outrageous punk rocker wig I found at a costume store.
When I arrived, my boyfriend answered the door. He was Luke Skywalker, dressed in the all black uniform from "Return of the Jedi". I think he knew exactly how much I liked his costume when I gave him a big kiss right in front of his parents!
His parents stayed long enough to see the party guests were arriving and the party seemed to be off to a good start before leaving Luke's big brother, Gary, in charge. I think they knew what a drag they would be hanging around at his eighteenth birthday party. They trusted Gary to keep the kids in line, but still let them have a good time. He was dressed as Darth Maul and had done his make-up himself. Gary kept challenging his brother and fighting him with his double-edged light saber until Luke broke it with a pillow. That was the funniest thing to happen all night. Gary then armed himself with a camera and snapped lots of pictures.
The house was decorated top to bottom with sci-fi posters and props of all kinds from the 50's to the present. Gary rented some life-size cut outs of Darth Vader, Mulder and Skully, R2D2 and C3PO. He even barrowed a piece of the Star Gate gateway from a movie prop house one of his friends worked at. Luke's big brother was very cool.
The music was blasting out of the funky jukebox Luke's parents rented. It had a selection of pop music and some famous themes from some Sci-Fi movies. Girls and guys were pairing up and dancing. I was glad I wasn't wearing very much because now there were about thirty people in the living room and it was starting to get hot so Luke and went out to the back porch. We danced alone for a while and I gave him another big birthday kiss.
We came back in to find some food. There were all kinds of snacks and beverages on the dining room table. My favourite were the quiches shaped like flying saucers. Gary was now mixing sodas and juices in the kitchen making concoctions that looked like drinks from another planet.
Everyone had such a good time that the party went on until two in the morning. I wanted to stay with Luke in his room and give him my own private birthday present, but his brother Gary said he didn't think Luke's parents would like it. Oh well, another time. I think his eighteenth birthday still was a memorable one for him.