A Day of Surprises

I realised on my 10th wedding anniversary that it really is the little things that count. They say that the first ten years of marriage are the toughest, so anyone who has made it this far deserves to give themselves a pat on the back.
On the morning of our 10th anniversary I awoke surprised to find that my husband was up before me. On the bed there was one red rose and a gift bag. Inside the bag there was a selection of exclusive beauty products, soaps, body lotions and creams. Daniel took me by the hand and led me to the shower. Putting one finger over my lips, he motioned to not say a word and just 'relax' as he proceeded to gently and sensually wash my hair, face and body. After the shower he dried my skin with a soft towel, rubbed my skin with lotion and lavished me with comments about my beauty. By this time I was walking on air.
Daniel said that I should dress and meet him downstairs. 'This', he added, 'was a day that I was going to remember'. It was now about 12.00 midday and I was starving. First off, Daniel drove me to one of my favourite restaurants for lunch. We found a small corner booth and after a delicious lunch we fed each other fresh strawberry cheesecake. Time stood still for a while. There was no need to rush anything. The day was ours and we were relishing in our own company.
The next stop was the jewellers. Daniel reminded me that the symbol for the 10th wedding anniversary is tin or aluminum, meaning that marriage needs to be flexible and durable and how it can be bent without being broken, but that this strength can also be symbolized by the strength of a diamond. He had, in fact, already chosen a pair of diamond stud earrings but wanted to be sure that I liked them. Of course I did ! They were stunning – exquisitely delicate and attractive. We laughed together as he put them on me.
'What next' I asked, as we left the jewellers, ' surely there can't be more. 'Oh but there is my lady, your carriage awaits' replied Daniel with a boyish smile. On the pavement outside the shop stood a traditional horse and covered carriage. I opened my mouth in disbelief. Daniel took my hand and helped me to get up into the carriage and placed a large kiss on my lips. People cheered and waved as we rode through the streets. I suppose I could have been a bit embarrassed by all the attention but instead I felt elated, proud and very 'in love'.
The carriage took us to a local beauty spa where Daniel had booked full body massages for both of us and a manicure for me. I left there smiling and completely rejuvenated.
The final surprise of my day was a dinner cruise on the Thames. We enjoyed a delicious dinner whilst enjoying spectacular views of our capital from the water. We feasted on traditional roast leg of lamb with seasonal vegetables accompanied by the smooth sounds a fantastic jazz band. The day could not have been more perfect.
Homeward bound, we walked together hand in hand towards the Tube Station. With my gorgeous husband by my side I knew that the night was far from over and I was the happiest girl in London.