School Sex Ed. Party.

A fun party with lots of fantasy, needs a relaxed group of people.
Event Types
Bachelor, Bachelorette, Corporate Event, Halloween, New Year's, Valentine's Day, Dinner Party, Prom
Age Groups
Bachelor, Bachelorette, Corporate Event, Halloween, New Year's, Valentine's Day, Dinner Party, Prom
Need a blackboard and chalk, group sits/reclines in front of the board. Indoor private home casual seating on pillows in a den. i.e.
Pillows or chairs around the chalk board for games.
Dress code
soft music in background. Music and dancing. Caribbean music and tin drums
Food: finger foods, Drinks: Liquor casual buffet supper late in the evening. Open and snack food in the room eat on paper goods. Low lighting
Teacher/Hostess asks questions of students i.e. "What are the uses of condoms?" (other than sexual) "As a kid, what should you do when you hear noises from your parents' bedroom?" (poss. answer: write lyrics to the music) " You are at work, in a business meeting, and have to pass gas- What do you do?" What's the danger of masturbation?" (poss. Answer: If you do it long enough, you think it's the real thing) ex. Anonymously and put them In a box. Teacher pulls them out and asks the questions one at a time. (Responses should be creative and funny) or Teacher write the first part of a sentence on the board and students are asked to finish it, i.e.: My best wet dream was about...Answers should get sillier as the evening wears on Give prize to the most creative student.